Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will We Ever See Spring?

This morning I woke up, looked outside, and saw that it was overcast.  It is almost the end of April and I could have sworn that it was the end of March.  In the time that it took for the kids to get ready for school and leave, it started to snow!  Snow at the end of April!  About a half hour later it stopped snowing, clearing up such that I could see blue sky.

However, the crafty weathermen, using their hi-tech forecasting equipment guaranteed me, last night, that there was a pretty good chance of Meatballs, I mean snow all day today.

So I am at work now.  No snow on the roads, nor to be seen for the time being.  I am sitting here thinking about the upcoming Presidential election.  The big one of 2012.  On the Republican side of things, who will stand up?  Who will have ALL of the solutions to the Nations problems?  Who will be the next one to offer the Queen of England an iPod?

Presidential candidates get judged like nobody else.  They are scrutinized over their whole lives.  Some candidates have had smoking pot in college brought to the limelight.  Others, drunk driving and other stints in prison.  Some are scrutinized because of close family members actions.  And yet if all these areas are clean, then possibly the candidates religion is challenged.  So, I ask, what could be a defining standard to evaluate a man for the Presidency of the United States? 

Should it be a requirement to have the Secret Service perform an all inclusive background check on all declared candidates for President?  Would this definitively solve problems like was President Obama really born in the USA?  Donald Trump doesn't seem to think so, however, do we want someone like Trump running the country who has had problems with debit and bankruptcy? Or would this experience be good for a country that is $14 trillion in debt?  Does it really matter if Mitt Romney is a Mormon, when his experience in business is second to none with his saving of the Salt Lake Winter Olympics and his work as Governor of Massachusetts?

There needs to be some sort of mechanism to ascertain the honesty of a Presidential Candidate.  Apparently a  person who echoes change everywhere they go is a good thing, by political standards.

However, with the 2012 elections headed our way in about a year and a half, I'm afraid that everyone in this country voting age and over will have to vote the old fashioned way, that is, listen to what the candidates have to say, form your opinions, and then vote accordingly.

I have always dreamed about owning a TV station.  If I owned one, I would have no advertising.  I would show all the great series and movies, but have no advertising.  That is my dream.

I also have a dream about Presidential candidates, that they would be required to submit to extremely thorough background checks, with all this information being made public by the entity doing the background check.

Like the TV stations dream, having a Presidential candidate air all of their dirty laundry, whether willingly or not, is not going to happen.  TV stations will always have advertising to support the station (or fund raising) and Presidential candidates will always have portions of their lives that they are not proud of and want to stay hidden.

Here is one more poster on change, I like it.

I could speak volumes on this, but it will have to wait.
Till Next time,

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