Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Close to God

This is a very short post about a wonderful couple named Jeff and Kelly Johnson, but not so much about them as their daughter Bridgette Claralynn.  Bridgette was born with a disease where her intestines do not absorb the nutrients that she needs to survive.  (I bet I am slaughtering this description.)  She has had multiple surgeries, numerous doctor visits and Mom and Dad have practically become practicing doctors.  Jeff and Kelly used to live close to me, but about six months ago moved into a bigger home in the same city.  I was saddened when they left my neck of the woods, but realize that they will be a shining light to their new neighbors.  Jeff and Kelly author a blog about all of Brigette's challenges here.  This is a real service to other children who have been diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease.  Below is a picture of Bridgette that I "borrowed" from their blog.

I can guarantee that if the world was filled with more Jeff and Kelly Johnson's, it would be a much better place!

Till next time,

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